BIRTH PREP: Meditation as a Dedication to Self

There is a hidden benefit from a daily meditation practice that isn’t talked about enough in my opinion…

and that’s dedication to yourself. a daily dedication to yourself, keeping your promise to yourself, that holds so much power.

When we keep promises to ourselves, we can maneuver through life with more confidence and self-awareness, because we know that we can rely on ourselves. We know that we don’t allow small things to sway us from our convictions about what we need and deserve.

I bet you are an incredible advocate for the ones you love, but how often do you acquiesce your needs for another person’s wants? Even your children?

Click the button below to have access to 7 daily meditations practices from me, dedicated to you.

Enjoy it, beauties. Dedicate 5-10 minutes each morning to yourself.

Daily Dedication Meditations
Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $5.00

Seven meditations meant to support you building a daily meditation practice as birth preparation.


Birth Plans for a Better Birth