Donning Your Golden Armor
If you hear another traumatic birth story you might just lose it… Imagine, you’ve just had another woman tell you her cousin’s neighbor’s brother’s traumatic birth story in great detail while in line at the grocery store (and now you’re seriously considering that Instacart membership). You get into your car feeling frazzled, on edge, angry, sad, scared, and unsure of yourself.
Then you remember the armor meditation we practiced together. You close your eyes, notice your breath, and begin to imagine yourself donning spectacular armor to protect your energy from others.
In this community we don’t just talk about these challenging experiences, we practice methods that can protect our mental and emotional energies from these types of interactions. Nervous system awareness is a cornerstone of our community care and we practice various ways to set yourself up for steadiness, stability, and ease in these types of interactions. Whether it’s with your care provider, friends, family, or strangers.