Preparing for your (re)birth

When we give birth, our old self must die.

We are no longer the person we were before.

We are parents of this new human who will change us more than we ever thought possible.

When we prepare for birth we must also prepare for death and rebirth.

We must prepare for grieving our old selves and to fully dive into this new version of us.

(otherwise we might get stuck, we might miss our old selves and limit our ability to parent fully for this new human we love so much)

To prepare for this rebirth, it requires a deep connection to self and an ability to let go of our old selves and allow transformation to unfold.

Practicing non-attachment is a crucial element that will prepare us for birth and our own rebirth.

This meditation, journaling, and ritual practice will focus on the inevitability of time and transformation as represented by the mahavidya, Kali.

Ritual on Rebirthing Yourself
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Homebirth Prep Pitfalls & How to Avoid Them


Non-Attachment as Labor Prep.