Demystifying Labor Positioning

Learn how to move your body intuitively, support your baby, reduce risk of stalled labor, and how to push to reduce your risk of perineal tearing

Why join us?

As a culture, when we think of birth, we think of it as a linear thing: baby descends and you push them out. But there are other dynamics at play. There are bones that move, baby rotates, muscles need to relax, organs need to change their shapes, blood flow changes, and so much more!

Birth is dynamic and when we choose to learn about it, we give ourselves the gift of knowledge to navigate the different shifts and changes we experience. 

Baby’s Position & Station

When we are in labor, baby is moving and changing positions with us. They are trying to get into the best position for descent and then the best positions to rotate properly. When baby needs a bit of guidance, we can use movement, breath, relaxation, and other tools to support baby’s movements as well as your well-being.

Reduce Your Risk of Tearing

Most people are scared of tearing. For whatever reason this concerns you, know that there are a great many ways to reduce your risk of tearing significantly!

From prenatal preparation to how to push and positions that support freedom of movement, you’ll learn all the ways to reduce your risk of tearing.

*P.S. No, I do not recommend perineal massage. I’ll explain more during the course!

Keep It Movin’

Labor is a dance. You and baby moving together to be born. Understanding how to move during labor to best support your body and your baby requires some understanding of physiological birth and an understanding of your body and how it moves.

In this class we’ll explore different positions based on the stage of labor you’re in, baby’s station and position, as well as what different sensations you experience might mean and how to support yourself as you navigate labor and birth.